Arrival: 19 Jun 1835
BENTLEY, William 47 M farmer [b.~1887-8]
BENTLEY, Mary 47 F [b.~1887-8]
BENTLEY, John M 23 taylor? [b.~1811-2]
BENTLEY, Ma?? F 23 [b.~1811-2]
BENTLEY, Robert M 20 farmer [b.~1814-5]
BENTLEY, Joseph M 14 [b.~1822-3]
BENTLEY, James M 14 (17?) [b.~1822-3 (1819-1820?)
BENTLEY, Benjamin? M 13 [b.~1821-2]
BENTLEY, H???? F 10 [b.~1824-5]
[M237 roll 26 list#385]
? 1840: Ship: Montreal - London to New York
Arrival: 18 Aug 1840
BENTLEY, Wm 52 M farmer [b.~1887-8]
BENTLEY, Ann 15 F [b.~1824-5]
[M237 roll 43]
? 1840: BENTLEY, John: (1) M <5, (2) M 20-29, (1) M 30-39, (1) M 50-59, (1) F <5, (1) F 15-19, (1) F 20-29. Lockport Village, Niagara Co., NY, p. 82. 1840-44 (est.): m. Louis SHERMAN (prob. NY). 1844 (abt): Daughter Mary Lucinda Sherman b. NY. 1846 (abt): Daughter Charlotte Sherman b. NY. 1847-1856: Louis SHERMAN dies (prob. NY, poss. IL) ~ ~ AND/OR ~ ~ 1847-1853: Ann and Louis SHERMAN divorce? (prob. NY, poss. IL?). 1848 (May): Daughter Sylva Anna Sherman b. NY. 1848-1853: came from NY to IL. 1850: ?? 1853 (5 Mar): “John N. Ball being duly sworn deposes and says that he has arrived at the age of twenty one years and upwards and that Ann Sherman has arrived at the age of eighteen years & upwards and further says not. Sworn and subscribed before me this 5th day of March AD1853. “ Signed by John N. Ball. Affidavit of Age, record no. 01868, Will Co., IL. (5 Mar): Marriage License issued by Will Co., IL to Mr. John N. Ball and Miss Ann Sherman of Will Co., IL. (6 Mar): Marriage return to Will Co., IL, on the license document. Signed by Jacob R. DuPuy [?] J.P.
1856 (27 Dec): Affidavit of Age: “B.F. Bogardus being duly sworn deposes and says that his parents live in Pennsylvalia and that he has written to them that his intentions were to marry Mary L. Sherman that they have written to him and signified their willingness to his said marriage with Mary L. Sherman. Sworn and subscribed before me this 27 AD 1856” signed by clerk and Byron F. Bogardus. (27 Dec) Affidavit of Consent: “John N. Ball being duly sworn deposes and says that he is step father of Mary L. Sherman that her own father is dead and that his wife Anne Ball mother of said Mary L. Sherman has given her consent to the marriage of said Mary L. Sherman with B.F. Bogardus and he said John N. Ball has also given his consent to said marriage. Sworn and subscribed before me this 27 1856” signed by clerk and John N. Ball. (27 Dec): Will Co., IL, Marriage License: B.F. Bogardus and Miss Mary L. Sherman of Will Co. 1857 (1 Jan ): Marriage License Return: W.D. Clark, Minister of the Gospel, joined B.F. Bogardus with Miss Mary L. Sherman.
1860: Dwelling#281, family#239: BALL: John N. 35 M laborer day $- $25 NY; Ann 36 F England; Charlotte 14 F NY attended school; Sylva A. 12 NY; John E. 3 M IL; Christiany F. 1 F IL. Dwelling#282, family#240: BOGARDUS: Byron F. 24 M mason $350 $100 PA; Mary L. 16 F NY; Sarah A. 1 F IL; Emma A. 3/12 F IL. COOPER: David P. 30 M boatman $2000 $- PA. Town of Lockport, Lockport PO, Will Co., IL, p. 30.
1865: [No record in 1865 state census for Will Co.; No Mason Co. state census records are known to exist.]
1870: Geneva, Van Buren Co., MI, p. 364. BALL: John N. 50 M W farmer $900 $100 NY; Ann 45 F W keeping house England; J. Franklin 14 M W works on farm IL; Christiana 12 F W IL. BOGARDUS: Sarah A. 12 F W IL; Emma 10 F W IL; Franklin 8 M W IL; May C. 3(?) F W IL; Minnie J. 5 F W MI.
1879: Confirmations by the Rt. Rev. William E. McLaren, Bishop of the Diocese: p.18: "April 15th, 1879. Easter Tuesday... Mrs. Ball... By Rt. Rev. Wm. E. Mclaren, Bishop of the Diocese, Rev. John McKim, Deacon in Charge."
1879: Communicants June 1878 Rev. John McKim, Minister, Rev. S. Cowell. p.25: "May 4, 1879. Mrs. Ball, Removed October 1879..."
1879: Baptisms by the Rev. John McKim: p.12: "October 5th, 1879. Pearl Lillian and Cornelia Anthony, infants. Parents Edgar S. (?) and Sarah Ann Smith. Sponsors the Mother, Mrs. Ann Schell, Christina F. Ball, and Mrs. Ball. At Church."
1880: John BALL Self M Male W 54 NY Plastuer VT NY, Ann BALL Wife M Female W 55 ENG ENG ENG, John F. BALL Son S Male W 23 NY Labourer NY ENG, Jennie F. BALL Dau S Female W 21 IL NY ENG, M. C. BAGARDUS GDau S Female W 12 MI NY NY, Catherine BALL Mother W Female W 76 NY NY NY. Havana, Mason Co., IL
1882 (17 Oct): John N. Ball & Ann Ball witness marriage of daughter Chrstina Ball to John B. Gray in Peoria Co., IL.
1897: “Mrs. Ball, one of the oldest settlers in this vicinity, died at her home in Lockport last night, after having been ill for some time.” "Died. BALL: At her home on Division St. in this place, Friday evening, September 17, 1897, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Ann Ball, aged about seventy years. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon. Mrs Ball was one of the oldest residents of Lockport, and was a lady of blameless character. Her husband preceded her to the grave several years ago. Only one son survives, John F. Ball, of this place, with whom the mother had made her home for several years.”
More information on this family is at:
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