1860: Dwelling#281, family#239: BALL: John N. 35 M laborer day $- $25 NY; Ann 36 F England; Charlotte 14 F NY attended school; Sylva A. 12 NY; John E. 3 M IL; Christiany F. 1 F IL. Dwelling#282, family#240: BOGARDUS: Byron F. 24 M mason $350 $100 PA; Mary L. 16 F NY; Sarah A. 1 F IL; Emma A. 3/12 F IL. COOPER: David P. 30 M boatman $2000 $- PA. Town of Lockport, Lockport PO, Will Co., IL, p. 30.
1870: Geneva, Van Buren Co., MI, p. 364. BALL: John N. 50 M W farmer $900 $100 NY; Ann 45 F W keeping house England; J. Franklin 14 M W works on farm IL; Christiana 12 F W IL. BOGARDUS: Sarah A. 12 F W IL; Emma 10 F W IL; Franklin 8 M W IL; May C. 3(?) F W IL; Minnie J. 5 F W MI.
1879: Baptisms by the Rev. John McKim, St. John’s Episcopal Church, Lockport, IL: p.12: "April 12th, 1879. Georgiana Fidella, child, and Christina F. Ball, adult. Parents Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson. Sponsor Mrs. Anna Schell. At Church."
1879: Baptisms by the Rev. John McKim, St. John’s Episcopal Cgurch, Lockport, IL: p.12: "October 5th, 1879. Pearl Lillian and Cornelia Anthony, infants. Parents Edgar S. (?) and Sarah Ann Smith. Sponsors the Mother, Mrs. Ann Schell, Christina F. Ball, and Mrs. Ball. At Church."
1880: John BALL Self M Male W 54 NY Plastuer VT NY, Ann BALL Wife M Female W 55 ENG ENG ENG, John F. BALL Son S Male W 23 NY Labourer NY ENG, Jennie F. BALL Dau S Female W 21 IL NY ENG, M. C. BAGARDUS GDau S Female W 12 MI NY NY, Catherine BALL Mother W Female W 76 NY NY NY. Havana, Mason, Illinois.
1882: Living in Havana, IL. Married to John B. GRAY in Peoria by E. B. England, Rector of Christ Church. Witnesses John N. Ball and Ann Ball.
1884: Mason Co., IL. Jennie (Ball) Gray, age 26, b. IL.
1886: Mason Co., IL. M Ball, age 27, b. IL.
1887: Lockport, Will Co., IL.
1889: Lockport, Will Co., IL.
1891: Lockport Twp., Will Co., IL.
1894: Lockport, Will Co., IL.
1900: Age 42, married 18 years, b. IL, f. b. NY, m. b. England. Joliet Twp., Will Co., IL. 9 children, 6 living [JBG obit: 3 died in infancy].
1907 (17 Sep): Marriage License: Charles E. Gray of Lombard 23 & Ruby Spears of Glen Ellyn 22. (17 Sep) License Return: William C. Godden, a Clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal Church, united Charles E. Gray & Ruby A. Spears at Glen Ellyn. (17 Sep) App Return: Groom: Charles E. Gray resdies Milton Twp. farmer 24 at next birthday white American born Havana IL Father John B. Gray Mother Christina F. Ball 1st marriage; Bride: Ruby A. Spears resides Glen Ellyn 23 at next birthday whiyte American born South Bend IN Father Alexander Spears Mother Augusta M. Beebe 1st marriage; married at Glen Ellyn, witnesses Alexander Spears & Christina B. Gray; signed by groom, bride, and minister (pastor ME Church).
1908: prob. moved to GE [see dau Ann’s postcards]
1910: Pennsylvania Ave., Glen Ellyn, IL, b. “Ilinois” father b. “New York” mother b. “Eng. English”
1915-6: Gray J P (Christina) gardner [sic] r Penn cor Main, Glen Ellyn.
?: undated Easter postcard [between 1911-1934] to Anna Spears from Mother and Father.
1920: Sheffield Street, St. Anne, Kankakee Co., IL.
1930: Momence, IL, age 73, age at 1st marriage 24, b. IL, f. b. US, m. b. England.
1934: Momence, IL. 20 grandchildren, 3 great-grandchildren.
1938: Gray Family Reunion.
1941: Momence, IL.
1944: Momence, Momence Twp, Kankakee Co., IL. 24 grandchildren & 10 greatgrandchildren. “Six grandsons and one granddaughter are now in the U.S. service.”
1945: Full and Perfect Inventory of the Real and Personal Estate [of Christina F. Gray]: “South half (S1/2) of Lot three (3) and the North thirty (30’) feet of Lot six (6), all in Block twenty-seven (27), in the Southeast Addition to the Town of Momence, as platted of record, in the County of Kankakee and State of Illinois. Title, fee simple, believed to be perfect, occupied by deceased as a homestead.”
More information on this family is at:
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