1828 (1 Apr): Robert's father, Alexander Spears, Cowfeeder, Leith, Seised April 1 1828 in a piece of ground and buildings thereon at the Yardheads of Leith; - on Feu Con. between him and Alexander Grant, Wright & Builder, Leith. Mar 29 1828. [Ref - P.R.1201 130 (Abridgements to the Sasines)].
1829 (aft 7 Dec): Robert's mother Marion, recently widowed, married John Dunn. The date of death for Alexander Spears is unknown, but falls somewhere between his land purchase 1 Apr 1828 and his widow's remarriage aft 7 Dec 1829.
1832 (25 Jan): Robert's oldest brother, Adam Spears, residing at Leith Mount near North Leith, as heir to Alexander Spears, Cowfeeder, Leith, his father, Seised Jan 25 1832, in a piece of ground with the building and erections thereon at the Yardheads of Leith; - on Pr.Cl.Con. By William Moffat, Wright, Leith & Alexander Brash, Grocer there. Jan19 1832. [Ref P.R.1332.179 (Abridgements to the Sasines)].
1834 (13 May): Robert's oldest brother, Adam, arrived in New York with other Spears relatives on the ship Roger Stewart [probably]. Port of Departure Greenock. Place of origin Scotland. [M237_22, list#275].
1837 (20 Aug): Robert Spears and his step-father, John Dunn, wrote a letter from Edinburgh, Scotland, to Robert's oldest brother Adam, who had settled in Whitby, Ontario, Canada.
1838: Register of marriages for 1838, 2d April: "Robert Spears, Cabinet Maker, Residing in No 429 Lawnmarket, in the Parish of Tolbooth Church, Edinburgh, and Elizabeth Blackie, Residing in No.165 Pleasance, in this Parish, Daughter of James Blackie, Farm Servant at Bridge end in the Parish of Liberton, have been three times duly and regularly proclaimed in order to marriage, in the Parish Church of St Cuthberts, and no objections offered. Married at Edinburgh, the Third day of April, Eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, by the Revd William Nisbet of the United Associate Congregation, Cowgate, Edinburgh." [OPR for St Cuthberts, Ref 685.2/43, Frame 1558]. Register of Marriages for 1838: "Edinburgh 2nd April 1838. (Proclaimed 1nd April 1838.) Spears | Robert Spears, Cabinet-Maker, residing No 429 Lawnmarket, Tolbooth Parish, and Elizabeth Blackie, residing No 165 Pleasance, St. Cuthbert's Parish, daughter of James Blackie, Farm-Servant at bridge-end, Parish of Libborton, have been three times proclaimed in order to Marriage in the Tollbooth Parish Church and no objections have been offered. married at Edinburgh on the 3rd day of April 1838 by the Reverend William Nisbet." [OPR for Edinburgh, Ref 685.1/65, Frame 5838].
1838 (17 May): Robert (age 20) & Elizabeth (age 22) SPEARS arrived in New York on the ship New York. Port of Departure Greenock. Place of origin Scotland. Traveling with John (age 23) & Margaret (age 24) SPEARS, and their daughter Christina (age 3) [M237_36, list#221].
1847 (Apr): Uxbridge W 1/2 of E 1/2 of Lot 2 Conc 4, P/50, Sale No. 15383, purchaser Robert Spears [Crown Lands Dept., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, RG1, C-III-3, Vol. 2, Clergy Reserves Sales Register 2 1829-1924, item#11, M5693 - reel 190].
1851: SPEERS: Robert, cabinet maker, b.Scotland, Presbyterian, age 32, married, one birth in 1851; Elizabeth, b.CW, age 35, married; Ellen, b.CW, age 13, in school; Marion Murry, b.CW, age 11, in school, Alexander, b.CW, age 8, in school; James B., b.CW, age 6, blind; Jane, b.CW, age 3; R.A., b.CW, age 1. living frame house, 1 floor, 1 family, (ag. census missing), Uxbridge Twp., Ontario, Canada, C-11742.
1860: Uxbridge Township map shows "Robert Spears, Leasee, Town Clerk & Treasurer." north of the town of Uxbridge.
1861: SPEARS: Robert farmer b.Scotland religion UP age 42; Elisabeth b.Scotland religion UP age 45; Hellin b.UC religion UP age 22; Marion M. religion UP b.UC age 20; Alexander religion UP b.UC religion UP age 17; James B. b.UC religion UP age 15; Jane b.UC religion UP age 12; Robert A. b.UC religion UP age 10; Thomas D. b.UC religion UP age 8; John B. b.UC religion UP age 4. 1-1/2 story, 1-family, frame house. [1861 census, Uxbridge Twp., Ontario Co., Div 2 p.26 C-1058].
1866 (14 Sep): 34th Ontario Battalion of Infantry formed with HQ at Whitby by regimentation of independent companies... No. 7 Company at Uxbridge, raised 6 Feb. 1863 as Uxbridge Infantry Coy. [
"Prominent People of Ontario County... County Militia... There was also formed in Uxbridge an infantry company, under Captain Spears... All these companies were formed into a battalion, and the first nine of them [Uxbridge company being number nine as listed] went into the first annual camp held at Thorold in 1866 (September), under command of Col. S. B. Fairbanks, with James Wallace and William Warren as Majors; Captain C. A. Jones as Adjutant; Dr. W. O. Eastwood, Surgeon, and Dr. Hilliary, Assiatant Surgeon; R. E. Perry, Quarter-Master." ["Ontario County: A Short Sketch of Its Settlement, Physical Features and Resources with Brief Historical Notes," J.E. Farewell, pp. 96-7].
1866: Canada General Service Medal Register (RG 9 II A 5), Robert Spears, 34th Ontario Battalion, Fenian Raids, 1866 [volume 5, page 136, microfilm reel C-1862].
...Spears, Adam, Pickering
Spears, Robert, Uxbridge...
One of the smartest and most enterprising Inland Villages in the Province, is situated in the township of the same name, and surrounded by an excellent farming country. It is about 22 miles north-west of Whitby, to which place it is connected by daily stage, and upon the completion of the Toronto and Nipissing Railway, it will be one of its most important stations. With these various advantages, combined with its excellent water power, it is destined at no distant day to be a place of great importance to the North Riding of Ontario Co. It was first settled about the year 1817 or 1818 by Mr. Thomas Hilborne and Mr. Joseph Collins, the latter of whom, shortly after, built a grist-mill which, in those days, was an undertaking requiring both energy and enterprise. The first store was opened by Mr. Carlton Lynde, about the year 1830, and the first Postmaster was Mr. Joseph Bascom, sen. With its flour, grist and saw mills, woolen factory, steam cabinet works, sash and door factories, foundry, tannery, and several large general stores, hotels, &c., constantly giving employment to a large number of hands, besides furnishing an excellent market for the surrounding farmers. A person of twenty years ago would be loath to believe it was the same place today, or that so much could have been done in so short a time. But nevertheless here they are, forming, as they do, a monument to the liberal enterprise and energy of the men of north Ontario. The civil societies are represented by a Sons of Temperance Division, No. 139, and the military spirit is shown by a Volunteer Infantry Co., No. 7 Ontario Battalion, Capt. Robert Spears, and the musical talent is developed by an excellent Brass Band, under the able leadership of Mr. A. D. Weeks. There are also a number Churches, viz: One Church of England, built of wood in 1852, at the cost of about $1,000; one Roman Catholic, built of brick in 1866, at the cost of about $1,400; one Methodist Episcopal of wood, erected in 1867, at the cost of about $1,000; one Wesleyan Methodist, also of wood, erected in 1854, and greatly enlarged in 1867, entire cost about $2,200; one Regular Baptist, built of wood in 1861, at the cost of about $1,200; one Bible Christian of wood, erected in 1862, at the cost of about $800. The Presbyterian body are about to build, but at present, they hold service in the Ontario Hall, a fine large Public Hall recently built of wood, at the probable cost of $1000. The education of the young is not neglected, as there is a Grammar and three Common Schools, employing 4 teachers. Daily Mail. Population about 1000.
...SPEARS, CAPT. ROBERT, township treasurer and clerk...
[CONNER & COLTSON'S DIRECTORY OF THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO FOR 1869-7O, http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~wjmartin/ontario.htm]
1871: 1 dwelling, 1 family. SPEARS: Robert 51 Scotland CP origin Scotch farmer married; Elisabeth 55 Scotland CP origin Scotch married; Marion 30 b.O[ntario]; Jane 22 b.O[ntario]; Robert A. 20 b.O[ntario] farmer; Thomas D. 17 b.O[ntario]; John B. 14 b.O[ntario]. [from photocopy of census page, 1871 census, Uxbridge Twp., Ontario Co., Div 49-A-1 North Ontario p.51 C-9975]. 100 acres owned, 1 town/village building lot, 2 dwelling houses owned, 1 barn/stable, 2 carriages/sleighs, 3 cars/wagons/sleds, 3 ploughs/cultivators, 1 horse rake, 1 fanning mill, 6 Range/Concession Lot 34, Owner, 50 acres occupied, 50 acres improved, 3 acres pasture, 1 acre garden/orchard. Produce: (3 acres -) 40 bushels spring wheat, 250 bushels barley, 120 bushels oats, 50 bushels peas, 10 bushels beans, 6 bushels buckwheat; (250 acres -) 800 bushels potatoes; (8 acres -) 10 pounds hops, 20 pounds grapes, 50 bushels apples, 10 bushels pears/plums/OtherFruit. Livestock: 2 horses over 3 years, 4 milch cows, 2 other horned cattle, 10 sheep, 8 swine. Animal Products: 1 cattle killed or sold for slaughter or export, 9 sheep killed or sold for slaughter or export, 5 swine killed or sold for slaughter or export, 300 pounds butter, 50 pounds wool. Furs: 1 muskrat. Industrial Establishments: [all blank]. Forest Products: 8 cords firewood. [from RMB transcription of agricultural census].
1871: Robert Spears signs (as enumerator) and dates (8 Apr 1871) column 23 (Date of Operation and Remarks) on the census page in Uxbridge Twp. for Silas & Phoebe Beebe [1871 census p.22, Ontario Dist No 49-A-1 North Ontario, Uxbridge Twp., C-9975].
1874: "In St. Catharines on the 6th inst., from injuries received by an accident on the G.W. Railway, Robert Adam Spears, 3rd son of Captain R. Spears of this place [Uxbridge], aged 22 years and 9 months." [Uxbridge Journal, 12 Feb 1874].
1881: ANDERSON: James 42 Spain ?WCBaptist origins Irish carriage trimmer; Ellin 42 O[ntario] origins Scotch; Robert S. 16 O[ntario] carriage trimmer; Walter J. 11 O[ntario] school; Ellin May 9 O[ntario] school; SPEARS Mrs. Elizabeth 64 Scotland C.Presbyterian origins Scotch married [copy of 1881 census p.18, Ontario Dist. No. 133-J Ontario North, Uxbridge Village, Ontario Co., C-13245]. [NOTE: Robert Spears has not been found in the 1880 US census or the 1881 Canada census].
1886 (13 May): "Capt. Spears and wife from Michigan are visiting in town at Mr. James Andersons." [Uxbridge Journal, 13 May 1886].
1887: [No relevant SPEARS entries in the Chicago City Directory]
1889: "Died, in Chase, Michigan, yesterday, Alexander Spears, brother of Captain R. Spears, Uxbridge, aged 67 years." [Uxbridge Journal, 7 Mar 1889].
1891: SPEARS Robert male 72 married b.Scotland f&m b.Scotland, gentleman, can read & write; Elizabeth female 74 married wife b.Scotland f&m b.Scotland, can read & write; houses inhabited W 1/5 [Ontario, Dist. No. 102, p.46, T6359, Uxbridge Town, E-1].
1892: "Captain Spears was laid up last week with a cut head caused by a fall in a stable." [Uxbridge Journal, 22 Sep 1892].
1892: [No relevant SPEARS entries in the Chicago City Directory]
1893: "Died in Uxbridge, on the 21st inst., Elizabeth, wife of Captain Robert Spears, aged 76 years. The funeral took place on Tuesday." [Uxbridge Journal, 26 Jan 1893]
"On the south townline [of Uxbridge] there was Robert Spears who became the township clerk for 20 years beginning in 1854. His father [sic; brother] was Adam Spears, a Scotsman, who had built a sawmill on the 7th Concession of Pickering... [The American Civil War was in progress in 1864] Uxbridge Township formed an infantry company under Captain Robert Spears, the township clerk... Robert Spears had emigrated to Michigan with his son Jim and family... Robert Spears, Uxbridge Twp. Clerk, 1854-1873." [Burrs and Blackberries from Goodwood, Eleanor Todd, 1980: Goodwood, Ontario].
1896: Immigrated to the US from Canada.
1898: SPEARS:
Alexander carp h 5017 State [Chicago]
Byron A paperhr h 5017 State [Chicago]
? Frank D clk 5058 State h 5330 Lasalle [Chicago]
George E carp h 5017 State [Chicago]
Harrie A driver h 5017 State [Chicago]
Robert carp h 5017 State [Chicago]
1900: 204 W. 59th Street, Chicago, IL, b. Dec 1819, widowed, b. Scotland, parents b. Scotland, imm. 1896, alien, cabinetmaker.
1901 (28 Sep): Robert Spears of the City of Chicago in the State of Illinois; 5017 State St.; occupation gentleman.
1905: SPEARS:
Byron A painter h 4934 Wabash Av [Chicago]
? Harry A clk 5827 State h 6206 Prairie Av [Chicago]
? Robert roofer h 781 W Taylor [Chicago]
1905: Chicago, IL (8 years), widowed, both parents b. Scotland. [Cook Co., IL Death Certificate]
1905: “OFFICIAL DEATH RECORD... The following burial permits were isssued by the health department yesterday:... Spears, Robert, 85; 6034 Langley-av., May 27...”
[Chicago Daily Tribune, 30 May 1905, p11].
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